Sunday, October 31, 2010


Real estate marketing ideas should be such that it can give a lot to the consumer and allows him to associate well with the provider of the service. The main focus of real estate marketing strategy is to gain the confidence of the consumer if that is achieved well then automatically consumers would be flocking around the offices asking for more.

A real sate agent equipped with good and innovative ideas can do a great deal in getting a fair amount of business. Some of the popular real estate marketing strategies which have proved to be very effective since ages are holding events to promote the properties in question, utilizing the media for exposure of the real estate property, marketing through the internet and lastly, the classical way of communicating to the wide public through banners, posters and fliers also through word of mouth from friends and colleagues.

Event organizing is better than one to one interaction because there are many consumers who presume that in one to one interaction they might be subjected to a pressure tactics by the agents however, in a mass gathering a wide section of consumer can be involved where no one would feel any individual pressure. These events could be in the form of ‘free home buyer classes’ or ‘open house’ conducted in weekends. These events would require lot of pre planning such as preparation of marketing materials, classified ads, putting up of sign boards in the neighborhood etc. Such events are generally very successful form of marketing.

Utilizing internet, local television channels, and local newspapers are again good methods of marketing and these require less money and yet spread the message to a wider group.

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