Sunday, October 31, 2010

5 Reasons Why Home Staging is a Great Home-Based Business

It’s a low-cost business to start. There’s very little in the way of overhead expenses with a staging business. You can work from your own home office and you don’t need to worry about carrying a warehouse full of inventory or investing in any fancy equipment. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on expensive print advertising because it doesn’t work for a small staging business anyway!


It offers high earning potential. As a home stager you have the potential to earn a six-figure salary if you price your services properly. Because homeowners stand to make a significant profit on the investment they make in a professional stager, they will spend hundreds of dollars on your services. It’s up to you to ensure you’re not undervaluing your time and the talent you have to bring to the table.


You get to make your own schedule. If you’re looking for a career that you can easily juggle around your family or a full-time job, home staging is a good choice. If you can only work during the day while children are at school then set your appointments accordingly. If you prefer to be at home for your family during the day and work during the weekends or early evenings then that’s up to you!


No credentials or formal training necessary. While some home staging training organizations would have you think you need some sort of special certification or set of staging credentials to be a home stager, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You could start calling yourself a home stager today without having taken a single course or completed a single home staging project. The field of home staging is completely unregulated and there’s no such thing as a home staging certification.

The point is, there is no need to spend years undergoing training and paying for expensive certifications to start a home staging business. Investing in some staging courses that will help you learn to properly price and market your services is the only training you need!


You get paid to be creative! One of my favorite things about being a home stager is that I get to use my creativity every day instead of having that part of me stifled behind a desk. I love seeing my creative vision come to fruition at the end of a project and I love hearing the results my clients get from my work. It feels great to open up opportunities in peoples’ lives by getting them a great return on the sale of their largest asset.

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